Sleep Training


The expression “sleeping like a baby” doesn’t mean what most people think it does. When your baby comes home, sleep seems like an unattainable dream with frequent feedings and a baby that hasn’t connected sleep cycles. However, as a baby gets older and they are able to connect these sleep cycles and the ability to self soothe becomes possible, you may begin to look into sleep training. The choices can be overwhelming but the most important thing is to choose what works best for you and your baby, every baby is their own unique individual and needs to be respected for this. Just because a book or website recommends a certain plan does not mean that it will work for all babies. 

There are many ways to teach your baby to sleep and we can work together to choose the right path. Sleep traing does not always mean “cry it out”. There are gentle approaches too!

Some things to think about-

Is your baby old enough? Most doctors recommend starting formal sleep training around 6 months. If your baby is younger, there are ways to condition them to improve sleep, however. 

Is your baby developmentally ready? For example, a baby that was premature might not be ready even if they are 6 months.

Have you talked to your pediatrician about this? 

Are you ready to do this and not just because you have been told that you need to do this?


The Customized Sleep Package includes:

A comprehensive review of your child’s current sleep patterns, health, temperament, and family goals.

-Consultation where we will discuss:

  • Sleep education centered around your child’s sleeping patterns and age
  • Daily sleep schedule and feeding schedule
  • Sleeping environment and recommended changes
  • Sleep coaching and methodologies to find the best option for your child’s sleeping pattern and family values

Detailed, step by step, gentle sleep plan centered around your family’s goals

-Live phone coaching with an expert coach while implementing the sleep plan

  • step by step help to make sure you are successful
  • when first beginning the plan we will check in every day to see what is working and what may not be
  • Daily review of sleep logs and real-time adjustments to reach your goals


Price for sleep training package is       $350


Not sure you can do it alone? We also offer in-home assistance where we stay 3-4 nights and set up the sleep training plan and get it started for you. Please contact for more information.